Amputee Stories

Dave's Story

Dec 9, 2024

“I am so grateful to be walking and walking pain free.” - Dave

Dave’s journey to the Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan started in his backyard. In 2005, he fell 30 feet trimming his tree. He fell on his right side causing multiple compound fractures in his arms and legs. Dave spent months in the hospital, had more than 30 surgeries and worked hard over the years to regain his strength and the ability to use his arms and legs.  Dave

“After my accident, I was never the same. The bone in my knee grew back but I couldn’t bend it fully– I was in a lot of pain and walked awkwardly, which led to falls and a broken hip and pelvis and a second go around of a broken leg.”

In November of 2021, Dave was diagnosed with osteomyelitis, a bone infection, and cellulitis, a severe skin infection. Doctors amputated his right leg, and because of his knee troubles, they amputated above his knee. 

“When I woke up from that surgery, it was the first time in more than 15 years that I was pain free.  The goal was to heal for five months and then get fitted for a prosthetic. Once I got the prosthetic, I could go to RIM… one of the best recommendations I had from my doctors and prosthetist.”

At RIM, Dave says they got him up on his new leg pretty quickly using the parallel bars. More than two years later, Dave is walking better than he has in years and is motivated to walk without a cane.

“I had rehabbed so much over the years, with so many promises. I didn’t know what to expect from RIM, but they are amazing. They opened my world and changed everything for me. I am so grateful to be walking and walking pain free. They are the best!”